Chelsey Danish (she/her)

POUND® Pro, Coach, Dancer, Energy Healer, Intuitive, Survivor, and Speaker.




I was born and raised in Saskatoon, SK. where I have lived for almost all of my life- all 37 years of it!  I grew up with a life consumed of dance and was able to pursue it semi-professionally.  It addition to my dancing life, you could find me hitting the field as a competitive soccer player.  After high school, I engaged in a whirlwind of education from Kinesiology, to Business, to Fashion, Psychology and Social Work- my studies were "well rounded" you could say. After some mental health struggles of my own and an "epiphany" moment I completed my Bachelors Degree in Psychology and also a Bachelors Degree in Social Work.  I have since gone on to do extensive training in various other modalities.

I am very open about my own story and experiences with relationships, depression, anxiety, suicide and more.  Those experiences have made me who I am today, and although it was NOT easy, I am so happy with the person I have become through all the hard times.  I believe that everyone has a niche, something they are just good at.  I was so lucky to be able to find mine, have now started a business out of it, and get to help and support others.  

Our well-being is no joke, and I love exploring that on a larger canvas, physically, spiritually, socially, and mentally. I have had the opportunity to travel across Canada presenting and educating on relationships, mental health, growth mindset, and more, and would find myself continually having deep conversations with individuals afterwards.

I believe deeply in connection, love, and the power of our story.  I’ve been told I am a compassionate, extremely empathetic, and relatable woman who puts individuals at ease.  I understand the journey that one undergoes when struggling and healing, as I myself, have walked that road (well let’s be honest, plenty of roads). The road can be so bumpy, with many cracks along the way, and sometimes just when we feel that road is smooth again, there comes another block. 

My own journey and vast array of experiences has helped me to become extremely passionate for the work that I do. With me there is no judgement, no shame, and no issue that is “too small” when we share space.  Let’s release stagnant energy, talk, rock out and take a few deep breaths while we’re at it, because the most courageous thing you will ever do is show up NOW as YOU!


Some fun facts about me:

  • I am a mom to a wonderful little girl.

  • I was finally married in 2022, after several times of rescheduling (thanks to a pandemic).

  • I am a manifestor generator by human design.

  • SOME of my self-care strategies include really hot baths, going for a massage, practicing holistic and spirituality treatments, reaching out to friends, writing, and rocking out!

  • I may have a small crush on Justin Timberlake and Alanis Morissette.

  • My primary love language is words of affirmation. And my next is receiving gifts. I can’t help but crumble at a sentimental gesture.

  • I love a good sweatshirt (not hoodie).

  • I have a small obsession with reality shows. I can’t help but explore relationship dynamics.

  • I find eating chips is not the same if you don’t have a dip to go with.

  • I enjoy design in my spare time.

Education, Certifications & Trainings

Bachelor of Social Work
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Licensed POUND® Pro

Official POUND® Instructor

Usui/Tibetan Reiki System of Natural Health Level 1 + 2

Human Design

Mental Health First Aid Canada Instructor
SuicideTALK Leader

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)
Critical Incident & Group Debriefing
Trauma Event Systems (TES)
Neuropsychology of Emotional Disorders

Couples & Sex Therapy: Common Issues in Couples & Relational Sex Therapy

Sex & Trauma

The Gottman Method

and More!